Bone regeneration and maxillary sinus regeneration: a winning implant solution.

The regeneration of the jawbone is, in most cases, essential for implant placement. When a tooth is removed, the remaining bone atrophies. Atrophy increases with the years. This makes the placement of an implant difficult or impossible without first regenerating the bone

There are two methods to regenerate bone:

  • Either a piece of bone is taken from the hip and placed in the atrophic jaw, which involves hospitalization, adverse side effects of hip surgery and a lengthy recovery period / recovery.
  • Or synthetic bone is mixed with growth factors BMP (bone morpho-proteins) from your blood and is placed in the atrophic jaw. This method excludes the hip surgery.

The genetic engineering of the past 10 years now allows the bone to de regenerated faster, in greater quantity and quality and with a perfect safety margin compared to other methods.

The Montreal Center for Implant and Aesthetic Dentistry was a pioneer in Montreal in offering its many customers this treatment based on the latest scientific findings on bone regeneration.

Our long experience in the regeneration of bone published in articles and dental conferances allowed us to recreate for our patients fixed dentitions instead of denture teeth.

Extract of Dr. Farsirotu’s conference on the topic of bone regeneration and maxillary sinuses with growth factors for bone fixed teeth on implants.

Los Angeles Show, October 3rd, 2002
Dr. Sorin Farsirotu, DDS, FICOI
Docteur en Stomatologie

Subject : The Latest Advancements in Bone Regeneration and Implant Dentistry

American Academy of Implant Dentistry

Bone growth factor
Bone growth factor
Bone growth factor
Bone growth factor
Bone growth factor